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Metallica Teases New Song On TikTok, Fans Immediately Goof On It
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It’s been a while since we heard some new Metallica music from their upcoming album 72 Seasons, but it looks like we might be getting something soon. About an hour ago, the biggest metal band in the world took to TikTok of all places to post a clip of Rob, James, and Lars chugging along with a pretty rudimentary rhythm and occasional little riff.
In the clip, the band asks for fans to “duet” them, which is when users use the clip and superimpose themselves to the side of that clip and add their part. It’s been used to great effect in the past with vocal performance in particular, but metal TikTok regularly shows people shredding on guitar along with other users through the feature.
And while there’s not a whole lot to say about the clip from Metallica, which you can easily find online, it’s the fans — or at least the trolls — that made this into a predictable shitfest. As you’d expect from anything on the internet involving Metallica, people came out of the woodwork to dunk on this.
Some fans decided to add a bit of flavor from that other thrash band featuring an ex-Metallica member (Megadeth). For example, TikTok user @andrewmartinez_music grabbed his guitar and played a little “Symphony of Destruction” over it. Another user, @thegiantgoat followed suit with a little (not quite) Mustaine-esque vocals.
The track even got “Weezered” by @sadbassist69, which I’m not gonna lie — got a chuckle outta me.
The duet request is only a little more than an hour old at this point, so there’s sure to be more dunkage — and more actual attempts at adding to the song — as time goes on. And if the new song comes out soon, we’ll have that here too.
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