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DJ Pitsiladis – Horror Addicts
Follow us on social media Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 226
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
226 | D.J. Pitsiladis | Morocco + Mach Fox | Malevolent Maids
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66 days till Halloween
Theme: #MalevolentMaids #ManorofFrights
Music: “Now Beginning” #Morocco #MachFox
Catchup: #DeathintheFamily #BirdCrayCray #ChasedbyaTurkey #CityGirlDontPlayWilderness #WardrobeMalfunction #BrokeBraBumble #Mourning #FindtheHumor #ClapOn #ClapOff #LaughterinGrief
Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #MalevolentMaids #Rusalka
Dead Mail: #HorrorFan
MARTIN: #BeautyofHorrorTarot
SUSANNA: #WhatWeDointheShadows #YoureDead #NormaCeciliaTanega #1966
CLAUDE: #ChildVampire #LiveScience #NightoftheComet #EvilChildren
Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas!
Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #MalevolentMa