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Cockroach Moshing Has to Be the Dumbest Thing Ever
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Now, I’m not one to yuck someone’s yum when it comes to how you enjoy your metal. You do you. If you enjoy dancing to blackened thrash metal, go off. If you twerk to Norwegian black metal, have fun. Hell, if you only listen to metal naked so you can windmill multiple body parts at once, go for it, dawg.
But this clip that’s been making the rounds on social media where people get on their backs in the pit and flail their arms and legs around like a cockroach? That’s a bridge too far. Rowing was already a ridiculous look, but this is just sacrilege.
As you can see in the clip below, a buncha people were cockroaching (doing the cockroach?) in the middle of a Viscera Infest show. They’re two steps away from looking like children throwing a tantrum on the floor.
Now, I’ll admit that I’m not familiar with how Viscera Infest’s shows normally go down, but apparently this is par for the course. In that instance, this is sort of like rowing at Amon Amarth concerts. And if that’s the case, can we all just make a pledge that this only goes on at Viscera Infest gigs? This can’t be the thing that future people imagine when they think of mosh pits.
Maybe this is just me being too old to at least let the youths enjoy metal however they want to enjoy. Or maybe I’m just out of touch with Japanese brutal death metal and I’m just showing my ignorant ass to the world.
Either way, this is… too much.
The post Cockroach Moshing Has to Be the Dumbest Thing Ever appeared first on MetalSucks.